last nite, going to Bukit Jalil stadium wit and the gang......gerak g stadium after Asar, with maklum, if bwk kete g sane, mau kul 2 3 pagi tak blh blk lg....jammed cam haram.....
before start game, harus bergambar dulu..semangat beli jersey
negeri sendiri....jersey tiruan (AA klas katanye=rm50), original=rm75. so agak2 beli yang mane?mestila ori kn....beza brape hinggit je kn....
Masuk stadium around 7. fulaweiii...rmai gle org....masuk kul 7 pn duduk atas
tangga, so korg bayangkn if masuk stadium kul 8, agak2 ade x seat?...
3 sekawan. sekor lg xde...g China katanye.....layan amoi sane kot....bhahhaha...
ni pic after klate score 1 0. tgh excited because klate leading until the match
almost ended. but 2 seconds before that, ganu equalized the score...tu pn
daudsu bermurah hati score....bodoh btul?...ade pembayaran ke disebalik tu?..
Malas nk bahaskn hal ni....bila nk maju bola sepak sendiri, if ade pembayaran disebalik padang bola itu.....JANGAN HANCURKAN HARAPAN PEMINAT.....